Jul 31, 2012

Mission 23

it's Yoko's birthday & its late ><

Masato ask Kuroki if he can go to the base for Yoko's birthday party he approve while B.J. knows that Masato's lying as they walking Masato's body is starting to glitch back at the base the birthday party has begun as the buddyroids sings a birthday song(really off key) as Masato & B.J. arrived at the rooftop Masato talks about Yoko's mother,Usami Kei who was a megazord pilot & like Masato in the sub dimension Yoko wanted to know more about her mother since she never remember much about her

meanwhile Enter talks to Messiah about Escape & about his latest plan after that Escape talks to Enter telling him about her plans as he wanted to see it for himself so Escape released Magnetroid to reek havoc

the Magnetroid uses its needles to make polar rods & stick them together as Hiromu arrived to destroy it but it came back & the Magnetroid stick Hiromu & Nick together just as the others arrived  Hiromu told to be careful of its needles but it seems Ryuuji & B.J. got stuck together  the metaroid makes a get away & Yoko spots a little girl trying to be with her mother but the polar rod reacted Yoko manages to save her & tell her not to cry as it would make her mother worry more as Masato notice something between Yoko & her mother

while back at the base Miho notice the megazord has arrived & it taking more of the enetron but its a Gamma so it has to use GoBuster-Oh but its impossible without the others to help so Kuroki ask Gorisaki to send the protectors prototype to Yoko & Masato in order to protect them of the magnet needles Yoko is tendering to the little girl & told her to stay here as the two fight the metaloid as the Magnetroid appears they try to fight it off but was stopped by Escape

as Escape shoots off most of the protector off of Masato he pulls Yoko off to the side Masato told her to stay here while he fights Escape while B.J. said the the real Masato in real trouble if his avatar body take any more damage as Yoko saw his body glitching Masato tells Yoko thats he's going to be all right but as he swore to her mother Yoko punches him in the guts & tells him that she can handle this all by herself as Masato forgot that she is much like her mother just as the other four arrived & they free the Busters fought the Magnetroid & defeats it so they fought the Magnetzord using GoBuster-Oh & shuts it down

as Yoko thanked Masato for giving her the best birthday gift as Masato tells her that she is like her mother,he heads back to the sub dimension Ryuuji knows that Masato is hiding something from everyone but what could it be?
its a good episode

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